[Amps] need 4cx1500b / 4cx1000a diagram

Michael J. Tubby B.Sc. (Hons) G8TIC mike.tubby at thorcom.co.uk
Wed Apr 30 17:01:49 EDT 2003

> Hi,
> Would anyone have schematics for a single 4CX1000 or 4CX1500 amplifier?
> Both ground grid and grid driven will be welcome.
> Please send directly to me: py1nb at terenet.com.br
> Thank you,
> Felipe - PY1NB

On what frequency? HF, 6m, 2M ?

I wouldn't consider using these tubes in GG operation - they are nice
and should be in a nice tuned-input/tuned-output grid driven design,
with the excellent control boards designed by Ian G3SEK.


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