[Amps] QRO Balun?

Phil Clements philk5pc at tyler.net
Tue Apr 15 17:35:41 EDT 2003

>        I would guess that you come from that faction who believe that
> manufacturers are infallible and totally honest. If they tell you that this
> core in this amp has no losses, then you believe them without reservation.

Your guess is wrong! I have challenged the QRO claims about their products
since they came out. Did you not read my posts in the last few days re these
products?  You are altering my remarks. I NEVER said a transformer has no
losses...quite the contrary....ALL transformers have losses. I seriously doubt
that the QRO transformer has a loss of 1 db @ 1.5 kw output.

Ferrites are not even a part of the discussion here. Powdered Iron cores are
used in the tanks of several manufacturers. Several articles have been written
on designing these for use as tank coils in ham publications over the years.
The QRO amp that we are currently discussing here uses a Powdered Iron
core coil in its Pi tank circuit on 40-80-160 meters. (The above mentioned
give measurements and construction details on this type of inductor.)

In my opinion, many of your posts in the last few months come off as the "new
kid on the block"  trying to re-invent the wheel that we have been using since
1954. (in my case) Please be assured that there are thousands of inductors
and transformers out there in radio-land operating @ legal-limit, and with
tolerable losses and no heating or distortion problems. You can make
measurements until the cows come home...we would be happy to review
your findings. I am reasonably sure that your findings will not negate years
of success by many manufacturers.

Just another old Codger's opinion.......

Phil, K5PC

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