[Amps] need 4cx1500b / 4cx1000a diagram

Mark Marsden MM at plextek.co.uk
Wed Apr 30 15:06:51 EDT 2003

Hi Felipe

Look at www.granta.digital-crocus.com   click on equipment and then the Linear Amplifier
It's a 4CX1000A grounded-cathode, grid-driven design.
There are photos, a PDF schematic, Eimac datasheet, Pi & Pi-L spreadsheets, and some design notes.

Best 73 

Mark G4AXX

>>> Felipe Ceglia <felipe at terenet.com.br> 29/04/03 17:29:33 >>>

Would anyone have schematics for a single 4CX1000 or 4CX1500 amplifier?
Both ground grid and grid driven will be welcome.

Please send directly to me: py1nb at terenet.com.br 

Thank you,

Felipe - PY1NB

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