[Amps] 3CX1500/3CPX1500

Anthony R. Gold ham-radio-mail-lists at ahjg.co.uk
Sun Apr 20 13:10:53 EDT 2003

On Sat, 19 Apr 2003 06:00:14 -0700, Paul WD7S wrote:

> The 3CPX1500 is not a drop in
> replacement for the 3CX1500.  The CPX
> version require a higher filament
> voltage and slightly more current.
> 5.5v at 11.2a for the CPX versus 5.0v at 10.5a
> for the 3CX1500/8877.

Is it possible that they're actually the same filament, but one must be
run hotter for the greater peak current specifications in pulsed service?


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