[Amps] looking for an amp

Thomas Hix w4th at hotmail.com
Sat Apr 19 12:20:00 EDT 2003

I am looking for a back up amp....I would like to find either an Ameritron 
ALS 600 solid state amp.....an Icom IC2kl, or either the Amertrion AL-811 or 
I am not interested in junkers....just first class quality equipment that 
has never had any problems...no lightning hits or any thing like that....the 
cabinet should be in good condition....I dont mind a small scratch or 2 but 
dont want one real beat up.

Tom's Tubes: Specializing in Amateur Radio Amplifier Tubes, Sockets, & G3SEK 
Triode/Tetrode Boards and Kits.   http://www.tomstubes.com

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