Dudley Hurry jhurry at austin.rr.com
Fri Dec 19 14:03:09 EST 2003


Interesting problem....Decisions, Decisions.....

I personally had not owned any of these amps, I have several friends that
currently own the amps and they all have said that the amp perform as
described.   The only serious problem that I have heard on the 1200 and 1500
amps has been the noise from the blowers.    But I have had experience with
the 3CX1200 tube and 8877 also in a Herny Classic.  That amp started life as
a custom made ClassicX that originally had the powersupply separated and ran
a 3CX1200 tube.   While it was nice with the instant of the 3CX1200, it did
take more drive for the same power as the 8877.   I converted the Henry to a
3CX1500 (8877) and loved the tube..   30 Watts would give me 1500 watts out.
I later bought an Alpha 77 and a Dentron 8877 amps....   Both works as they
should, obvisously the Alpha was a much better built amp.    I used all
these amps hard and the 8877 works flawlessly.

Some folks will tell you that the 8877 is to delicate for a ham amp, but I
found the tube forgiving and never had a failure with the 8877.

I currently running an Alpha 87A with two 3CX800s and have been very happy
with it, very quiet, puts out plenty of wattage very easily..

Good luck in making your choice, all great amp, but I have had much better
luck with the ceramic tubes than with the 3-500s bottles.

Thanks and 73's,
jhurry at austin.rr.com

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <Gudguyham at aol.com>
To: <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2003 10:51 PM

> Hi All, I would like to have your opinions on something regarding
>  Ameritron makes 3 powerful amplifiers that are all 3 exactly the same
> for the tube compliment. They are the AL-82, AL-1200 and the AL-1500.  The
> stats on these amps are as follows.  The AL-82 does a max output of 1500
> with 100 watts drive and has a pair of 3-500's. The AL-1200 makes 1800
> out max with 100 watts and has a 3CX1200A7 and the AL-1500 makes 2250
watts out
> with 100 watts and it uses the 8877 (3CX1500A7).  When I was confronted
> the decision on which one to buy, I bought the AL-1500 because I wanted
> extra power regardless of the extra cost.  I figured that the tubes were
> plentiful as pulls and that at 1500 watts I would rarely ever need to
replace the
> tube.  If you own any one of theses 3 amps, I would like to know the
reasons why
> you selected the one you did.  Please discuss price or whatever else took
> in the decision making process.  Thank you for taking the time to respond.
> If you do NOT own any one of these amps, please assume for a moment that
> had to make the same decision and what the criteria would be for your
> decision.........Thank You 73 and Happy Holidays to all
> Louie W1QJ
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