[Amps] HELP...off topic...but...

Joe Isabella n3ji at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 25 07:54:09 EST 2003

Try clearing the Cache & Cookies.

--- Gudguyham at aol.com wrote:
> Merry Christmas ampers!!  I know this is off topic, but, maybe someone can 
> help.  Its basically a computer problem.  Recently I have been having this 
> problem ONLY with e-bay webpage.  When I go to the e-bay website and the page 
> downloads I cannot scroll quickly through the page.  If I click on the right hand 
> side up/down arrows the page refreshes very slow and is really annoying!!  Any 
> other website page I can scroll top to bottom quickly no problem.  Also, if I 
> click on the search box and type in a search work like "amplifier" the letters 
> in the box has a delay before they appear.  E-bay is the only site I have 
> this problem with and it started just a few weeks ago and before that it was 
> fine.  My other computer at work does NOT do this and its a lower grade computer 
> than this one.  I am using dial up service in both cases.  It seems to be a 
> computer related problem I think.  I have tried changing settings and such to no 
> avail.  Any thoughts??  Thanks 73 Louie W1QJ
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