Fw: [Amps] HELP...off topic.. slow picture loads

Gudguyham at aol.com Gudguyham at aol.com
Fri Dec 26 07:41:57 EST 2003

Hi Guys, most of you that answered said that I might have "spyware" on the 
machine that is slowing things down.  I got hold of Spybot and Spyware Begone, 
ran both on the machine and I still have the same problem with e-bay.  AS I 
said if I download any other website page I can easily scroll the page up and 
down quickly, its only 
e-bay that gives me the problem.  The "spyware" idea has been dispelled.  
Anymore thoughts?  I have tried changing settings on the computer and nothing 
helps.  Hope all had a great Holiday. 73 Louie W1QJ
PS for those who didn't read the request, here is the problem.  When I go to 
e-bay website, the page downloads for "ham radio", when I go to scroll down 
using the mouse on the right side of the page arrow up/down, the page scrolls in 
slow motion and is very annoying, it could take several minutes to get to the 
bottom of the page.  Its truly a PITA.  Tried everything, nothing fixed it 
yet.  73 Louie

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