[Amps] Re: Filament voltage regulation

BEAR bearlabs at netzero.net
Thu Feb 6 13:16:42 EST 2003

Morgus the Magnificen wrote:

> Interesting that this recent discussion of filament supply regulation is
> taking place at exactly the same time that I have a new amp project under
> way. When I went to the parts cupboard for a filament transformer, the
> cupboard was bare! So rather than go out and actually buy a transformer (it
> is mind boggling how much those have escalated in cost) I have decided to
> build an electronic regulator and use a non-standard low voltage transformer.
> I will use a full-wave triac bridge with a zero-crossing integral cycle duty
> cycle controller for virtually noiseless switching.
I am interested in the thing - can you email me either references on the circut
and/or your proposed actual circuit design?

Also, what sort of output waveform do you anticipate the thing will have...

Wonder if you think some sort of LPF may be appropriate to lop off
any nasty harmonics from those triacs switching on and off??

I'm personally also doing an amp here, but am not in a particular
hurry, and would prefer to get the design right initially rather than
done quickly...


            _-_-bear WB2GCR


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