[Amps] Eimac Tube Performance "computer"

Don.Lemley at tellabs.com Don.Lemley at tellabs.com
Wed Feb 19 09:58:08 EST 2003

As a total newbie to power grid amplifier tubes, (but with 35 years in
EE/RF), I am trying to bootstrap my knowledge base from the ground up. 
Therefore, I am looking for a couple of things.  First, as I have a copy
of “care and feeding”, I feel the need to find a copy of the
“performance computer” as mentioned in this publication.  Can someone
help with a source for this thing?, or a simple explanation that
eliminates the need?, etc.?  Also, I am looking for what the group
considers the “required reading” on the subject of vacuum tube
amplification.  I think I have several of the important texts, but
definitely not all.  Any help would be greatly appreciated
  I have
visions of eventually building several medium powered mono-band
amplifiers, but am looking to be able to “design” them from the ground
up, at least in as much as I want to understand them first.
Thanks in advance for any help
Don – W8HRQ

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