[Amps] A real find....

Bill Fuqua wlfuqu00 at uky.edu
Mon Feb 24 13:46:55 EST 2003

     A friend of mine found a VT-158 with a few attached parts in a silent 
key's estate.
This is a fascinating tube.  I finally figured out how it oscillated at 
600MHz ( 1/2 meters).

The full wave loop resonators are built into the tube for both the plates 
and the grids.
I don't think there is any way to make an amplifier of it with out it 
oscillating. Unless you
short the plate connections together. And, I'm not quite sure that will work.

This one is intact and made by EIMAC. I have another with a broken filament 
and made by

Two questions:
1. Has anyone ever heard of this being used in an amplifier?
2. Does anyone have schematics of the radar system it was used in?

Bill wa4lav

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