[Amps] relay rattings

Mike Switzer K8ZE@comcast.net
Fri, 17 Jan 2003 13:53:18 -0500

On the subject of self-resonance.  I had the occasion to observe one
self-destruct before my very eyes.  Unfortunately it was my amp and it
was a couple or hours before the contest started.  So my plan this time
is to wind multiple chokes and switch them in and out as needed so I can
park resonance where it will do no damage.  This brings up another
question for you experts.  I am planning to use vacuum relays, HC1 / RJ1
types, to accomplish this switching.  I also want to use a plate xformer
that has two sec voltages and switch between the lower and higher with
the same type of switch.  Does anyone see any mass stupidity here?  Also
could someone discuss the ratings of these devices.  When I get moved
and get some antennas up I am going to use, I think, these to switch
fixed L and C in and out to match some wire to unbalanced coax.  I have
done this before but I used large open frame relays.  I had 6 quarter
mile wires on one of the towers.  The feed points ran into an enclosed
box on the tower where the matching took place.  This worked well and
eliminated any tuners it also played very well.  







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