[Amps] Amp Problem Still
Steven Grant W4IIV
Sat, 18 Jan 2003 05:45:48 -0800 (PST)
I had a Dentron 160-10L in here a year back and found it was a defective plate choke......bad solder joint....get an ohm meter in there and check the stuff out
Good luck
Steven Grant W4IIV
Ed <edw3nr@nexband.com> wrote:Well no joy in Hooterville. I ended my search for no idling plate current by
replacing all 4 811s with a couple of known good ones. Still show grid
current, but no idling plate current. Meters and shunts are good, the glitch
diodes also checkout. Evidently I'm left with no plate voltage. But other
than the 10 ohm resistor (which checked good) there is nothing else in line
back to the rectifier board. So now to "rig" a plate voltage circuit in the
amp. Geesh I hate playing with HV.....it can hurt you bad....real bad. Guess
I'll have to tap off the top of the choke, as it is the easiest to get to.
Any other ideas as to what to look at for a cause ? I'm fresh out.
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