[Amps] EIMAC 3CX1200 Info

ARNE GJERNING gjerning@flash.net
Tue Jan 21 02:40:04 EST 2003

I called EIMAC today and asked if 3CX1200 was being discontinued as rumored.
The answer was ABSOLUTELY NOT.  EIMAC has NO plans to stop production of
this tube.

I checked prices on the A7, D7, and Z7 at 2 suppliers and found big
differences between RF Parts and Richardson.
Here are price comparisons I received 1 ea USD:

                            RF Parts          Richardson
3CX1200A7        $659.95            $797.00

3CX1200D7        $725.00          $1071.00

3CX1200Z7         $699.50            $847.00

Hope this info helps.

73 de Arne N7KA

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