[Amps] Clipperton L

Phil Clements philk5pc@tyler.net
Mon, 20 Jan 2003 22:14:18 -0600

> I added a tuned input to an old CL. On 160 I see no "dip" in the input SWR.
> The slug is all the way in. Do I try to add more C or more L ?? On 40 the
> slug is all the way out, but  I do have a "dip". In my mind I don't have
> enough L on 160 and too much on 40. This sound reasonable ?? Also ran out of
> tune and load, but I can fix that. Also is 1000pf enough bypass and blocking
> Cap on the Plate choke for 160. ?  TIA.....73
> Ed W3NR

Hello, Ed...
Let me know what the input impedance of your tube(s) are,
and I'll run my program that gives the values for C1 L1 and C2.
1000pf is fine for blocking, but you need 8500-10,000 pf for bypass
at the choke base on 160m. This is especially true if you are running
strings of electrolytics in the power supply.

Phil, K5PC