[Amps] Re: Cheap right angle drives

Alan Ibbetson g3xaq at hotmail.com
Mon Jun 23 23:58:16 EDT 2003

>From: qrp73 at talk21.com
>This might be a futile post since i never found out what a Cardwell right 
>angle drive sold for.
>Compared to what the Surplus Sales wants for a surplus unit this cheap unit 
>is a good bet.


You can buy direct, but even the regular Cardwell right angle drive costs 
twice the one you've found, and the professional version (PRAD) just doesn't 
bear thinking about. Here is their reply to my enquiry at the end of last 

  The PRAD is US$99.74 each
  The RAD is $29.98 each
  Shipping and handling will be about $25/$35
  accept VISA, AMEX, MC.
  Thank you,
  Paul Meyer
  Cardwell Condenser Corporation
  80 East Montauk Highway
  Lindenhurst, New York 11757
  Telephone: 631-957-8000
  Facsimile: 631-957-7203
  <mailto:pmeyer at cardwellcondenser.com>


Alan G3XAQ

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