[Amps] Toroidal Tank Coils

Tom Rauch w8ji at contesting.com
Mon Mar 3 13:08:36 EST 2003

> Is not what you describe, the phase shift caused by the entire network?
> EI angle at C-tune vs  EI angle at C-load?

No, phase shift is NOT the relationship between voltage and current in this
case, nor is it normally considered except when you are looking at things
like reactance or SWR.

Phase shift is the relationship of voltage at the tank input to voltage at
the output. The tank inductor is between those two voltages, and the
effective voltage difference betweeen those points is the voltage difference
at any instant of time.

That is the voltage across the inductor.

It has nothing to do with the fact a perfect inductor all by itself has a
quadrature (90 degree) difference in current through and voltage across a
(perfect) inductor.

> Rich speaks of the E I shift in an inductor which is something near or
> than 90 degrees.

Now I see here he got that from. But that has nothing to do with the phase
difference of voltages at each end of the inductor or through a tank

If that phase difference is zero, the voltages at each end of the tank
inductor would subtract. If they are 180-degrees the voltages would add.

It is always between those two extremes, and the operating (or loaded) Q
sets the phase shift.

What the relationship of voltage across to current through any component
tells you is the reactance and resistance (Q) in that component. It does not
tell you anything about the phase shift or phase delay from end-to-end in a
system of more than one component.

When we talk about phase shift, we never mix vectors! We generally don't
compare voltage to current. (If anyone can think of an example where we do,
please mention it. Reactance or power factor aside, of course.)

I hope this helps!

73 Tom

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