[Amps] Solid State Amps: 1500 watts is cheap if . . .
Steve Cloutier, 978-597-3311
cloutier at bicnet.net
Wed Mar 5 08:58:14 EST 2003
At 09:19 AM 3/4/2003 -0500, Eric von Valtier K8LV wrote:
>#1. We DO need to tun SSB. Many of us like to use voice communications and do
>not support the gross waste of channel space that occurs with AM and FM.
I'll ignore the unnecessary judgemental comments...
>#2. In order to build an amplifier, especially one with any efficiency, above
>10MHZ, we will require MOSFETS with t(on)+t(store)+t(off) of well under 25nS.
>What device would you recommend that we use to build the 1500 Watt amp that
>passes your muster, not to mention the minor issue of FCC's requirements?
And, what's your point? I've built a 1500 watt PEP class E transmitter for
20 meters. I'm currently working on one for 10 meters [1KW PEP]. The
IXFH6N100F works very well on 20 meters. I am also going to try the
FQA11N90 on 20 meters. This FET works VERY well on 40 meters in my 1500
watt PEP 40 meter transmitter. I also use this FET on 80 and 160 meters.
I don't understand the comment about the FCC. It's just an RF
amplifier. All Amateur equipment has to meet certain FCC
requirements. The class E stuff is no worse than a vacuum tube class C
amplifier.... In fact, it's better - at least from a TVI standpoint [I get
no TVI whatsoever with the class E stuff].
>It seems to me that if you ruled the world, ham radio would be restricted to
>CW and AM/FM with an Fmax in the low MHZ range. I am sorry, but most of your
>brother hams are moving over to the other side of the room from you on this
Wow, I'm really amazed that you can make such comments about my
motivations, thoughts or opinions on any of this... You've never talked
with me, and I have certainly not said anything remotely resembling this.
In fact, if you are interested, my personal feelings on this are that no
mode is "better" - and none of the current legal modes should be removed or
altered with respect to FCC regulation. There's plenty of room for
everyone. Personally, I like to design and build all my own equipment, and
use and listen to good quality audio. This is just as valid as someone who
wants to try to work Japan on 75 meters. Nothing wrong or invalid about
either. The former has applicability beyond Amateur radio [broadcasting and
other technical radio and TV work] - and one of the purposes of Amateur
radio is to create and maintain a trained force of technical people.
Steve WA1QIX
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