[Amps] CB Amps

Joe Isabella n3ji at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 15 06:53:20 EST 2003

Again, they are already breaking the law.  What new laws would you like
to create that would make them stop?  I've heard them as well and it
aggrivates me to no end.  Believe me, I'm not trying to defend them at
all.  I just don't see how they can ALL be stopped in a practical way. 
Anything's possible, but how much are we willing to spend to do it?  I
can't see how new laws would make any difference; they're already
breaking existing laws.  Unfortunately, I see bootleggers as a
side-effect of our freedom to operate.  If there's one close to you, DF
him, get good recordings, and turn him in to your OO and the FCC.  Do a
good job of this, and he'll get a "friendly reminder" that his
activities are illegal and someone's watching...


--- "G. Clute" <gclute at attbi.com> wrote:
> Have a look at Ten meters 28.085 daily there is a meeting place for
> truckers.  I have had numerous problems with the CB truckers landing
> on the weak signal beacon area 28.200-28300.  Why create laws if you
> take the attitude "Well it's not bothering me"
> George W7LFD
> -----Original Message-----
> From: amps-bounces at contesting.com
> [mailto:amps-bounces at contesting.com]On Behalf Of Steve Cloutier,
> 978-597-3311
> Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 4:16 AM
> To: amps at contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [Amps] CB Amps
> Hm.... You were employed by George Bush and he fired you? [I couldn't
> resist!].
> Anyway, I'm curious why you care so much about illegal CB amplifiers.
> Is
> the fact that some CB'ers are running illegal power a problem in your
> life?  Now, I am *not* defending illegal operation on the CB band,
> but
> really, what *is* the problem for you?  Apparently, the FCC does not
> view
> this as enough of a problem to go after  - which they could easily
> do,
> should they choose.  I''ve been a ham for 32 years and have never had
> any
> problems whatsoever from any CB'ers - illegal power or not.  How is
> this
> causing a problem for you?
> Regards,
> Steve WA1QIX
> At 03:03 AM 3/13/2003 -0500, you wrote:
> >  Thanks in part to George Bush, I am once again unemployed. This
> >gives me all kinds of time to get ito mischief. In my continuing
> >battle to remove illegal CB amps from Ebay, I've hatched a new
> >strategy. I placed a bid on a particulatly egregious sounding
> >amplifier. See item number 3011814472. Upon winning the auction
> >I will refuse to pay unless the seller can furnish a valid FCC
> >ID number. Of course, I will delay this process as long as
> >possible. The seller will of course be irate and leave negative
> >feedback which I will appeal. It will be interesting to see how
> >Ebay handles this.
> >
> >  I've also found out my senator, Olympia Snow is on the tele-
> >communications subcommittee. I think a visit to her office is in
> >order. One of my fears in pushing this matter is that Ebay will
> >ban all amplifier auctions. I'm going to suggest that pressure be
> >put on Ebay to have the seller put the FCC ID number on all auctions
> >but what about older ham amps that have no ID numbers? I need some
> >suggestions on a workaround for them.
> >
> >
> >73, Roger
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