Fw: [Amps] 813 No parasitics

skipp isaham nospam4me at juno.com
Mon Mar 17 21:49:20 EST 2003

Hi Rick, 
I don't have a single reason that you might be 
looking for. It's probably a combination of the 
tube geometry, anode and internal C values 
and it's HF/VHF gain. 
I've been able to get 813's to oscillate easy 
enough, but I've never had a known parasitic 
problem in any of my previous 813 amplifier 
They also take a significant amount of abuse
that would poof less hardy non carbon anode 
 "Rick Cole  VK3YM" <vk3ym at iprimus.com.au>
Skip.. I am very interested in your remark about 
the 813 tube...Can you enlighten me...very briefly
..as to the reason for lack of parasitics..what 
makes the 813 so stable as compared to 
other/similar tubes...
           Rick   VK3YM

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