[Amps] TL922A and AL80A

Joe Isabella n3ji at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 20 05:54:28 EST 2003

I was on 3880 kHz this morning and I paid close attention to all the
meters, and found this:  HV (under load) = 1900V, Ip = 450mA, 855W DC
Input, Ig ~125mA, RF output ~300W Carrier.  The PEP was probably about
1200W, but my Diamond SX-100 was showing somewhat less.  I ran it a bit
harder this morning due to static crashes + general noise & standard
75m QRM.  Looks like the quiet winter conditions are gone here in TX!! 
All in all, I agree with your statement, Tom -- run it like it is and
enjoy it.  I've gotten good reports this way, so I guess I'll let her
rip.  Since I live in a typical suburban neighborhood with plenty of
neighbors, I try to keep the power as low as possible (isn't there some
kind of rule about that, anyway?!?  ;-)  ).

Thanks again & 73,

--- Tom Rauch <w8ji at contesti ng.com> wrote:
> > I run AM quite frequently (Rich mentioned RTTY) and tune the amp
> with
> > ~100W drive, then back the drive down until the amp is running at
> about
> > 500W DC input (always in CW mode, BTW).  Seems to work quite well.
> > That's why I'm interested this...
> AM requires the amp run 1/4 or less of the peak output that you load
> the amp
> for.
> The amp would have perhaps 25% efficiency under carrier conditions.
> At 500w input that's maybe 125w or so out, you could measure the
> exact
> amount. That's about  375 watts dissipation, and 500W PEP output with
> normal
> AM. You should adjust to your output numbers, but it looks like
> dissipation
> is pretty low.
> You might feel better about running a higher speed fan, but you would
> never
> be taking the power supply or transformer.
> 73 Tom

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