[Amps] Re: COLLINS Engineering

Ian White, G3SEK G3SEK at ifwtech.co.uk
Sun Mar 23 17:41:28 EST 2003

K8LV wrote:
>      I agree with you 110% about Collins/Rockwell technology. That
>particularl era/group of engineers really set the benchmarks. If you
>read through any of their publications (of which there are, sadly, way
>too few) you can clearly see how RF engineering was properly done
>by-the-numbers. Warren Bruene's ingeniously simple little directional
>wattmeter was really an outgrowth of the circuitry that they had
>developed over a period of many years for phase-detection in
>      My opinion is that the level of wisdom which that group brought
>to RF amp design (not to mention many other areas of communications
>gear design) makes much of the discourse that take place here look like
>cosmic debris.
>      Like it or not, when you design stuff for the military and
>aviation industries, one-liners WILL NOT do. You do it right, prove
>that it is right, no excuses, no passing the buck to invisible experts.
>If you don't, you don't get paid.
>Eric von Valtier K8LV
>P.S. For the record, what was GB's equivalent of COLLINS? Never saw
>much of it over here, but I am sure that Plessey, Ferranti, or someone
>like that knew a thing or two about this subject too.

Cue Peter Chadwick... (if he's not travelling again)

73 from Ian G3SEK         'In Practice' columnist for RadCom (RSGB)
                            Editor, 'The VHF/UHF DX Book'

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