[Amps] Parasites (parasitics)

2 2 at vc.net
Wed Mar 26 19:49:45 EST 2003

> I have gone back thru some old e-mails and re-read some concerning
>"Parasitics" and "parasites" and ETC.
> what is most interesting to me is not so much how to control and?or
>eliminate them , but the fact that they were recognized "Way back" in the
>twenties and such, and yet there are those folks today who seem to believe
>that such things don't exist.!!!! I don't have the books from those days ,
>so i'm having to assume that the info does in fact exist., but believe me,
>I'm following the thread all the time.
>  It's very interesting !!!!!

The subject of parasites was discussed by F. E. Handy on p.72 of the 1926 
Amateur Radio Operator's Handbook.  My guess is that this was Not the 
earliest mention of the phenomenon.  

-  R. L. Measures, a.k.a. Rich..., 805.386.3734, AG6K, 

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