[Amps] Thanks for the Wake UP!

Harold B. Mandel ka1xo at juno.com
Mon Nov 10 09:56:34 EST 2003

Dear Jeff and all those who so kindly thought of replying
so candidly,

T H A N K    Y O U.

I've been in this particular hotel room since June, and even
though I've dragged a complete AutoCad 2-monitor workstation,
complete with printer, plotter, big table and everything else just about
from my office in Kentucky I really didn't think about the '77 until
you reminded me.

My back still hurts from shlepping the last one around.

Although I didn't take the 'Sx to hotel rooms I did move
from state to state and just the power xfmr (with the rope handle)
was enough to make me see stars......

In the last few days I've been looking at rigs and am seriously thinking
of the FT1000d, a Nye-MBVA tuner and one of those Aussie
GU-78B tetrode tabletop amps. The footprint of everything is small
enough to fit on the luggage cart when I change projects(if ever),
and the whole shebang will weigh less than 200 pounds.

You guys know I even considered dragging a Henry console
up here? 

However, I consider the opinions, however humble, of all of you
very seriously, and would gladly welcome your thoughts on
what you would do if you were assembling such a portable QTH.


Secaucus (What's That Smell?), New Jersey

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