[Amps] Yaesu FT-1000/o'scope, bandscope data request

ka1xo at juno.com ka1xo at juno.com
Sat Nov 15 08:34:55 EST 2003

Knowing this topic is a bit off from our usual go-around with power amplifiers I ask your indulgence and possibly a direction to take to seek knowledge in a better way.

The new radio came, (the dealer was all out of 77Dx's with wheels, though), and I would like to connect a 40MHz o'scope up to it as a spectrum analyzer, much like the Kenwood SM-220 used to do, and as an RTTY "crossed bananas" tuning aid.

What needs to be found out is if someone manufactures a spectrum analyzer oscilloscope adaptor that will handle the 73.62, 8.215, 0.455 or 0.100 MHz. IF signals, and, if any connections exist in the myriad jacks in the rear apron of the '1000 for hooking up the X and Y scope inputs.

By the way, one of my contractors will be helping me convert the 4X4 junction box under the stove for a 240-vac outlet, for a source of clean power to a split set of duplex receptacles.

Thanks for your assistance. I promise to not bother any of us again with low-power details.

Hal Mandel

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