[Amps] Question for R. Measures

KD7EFQ at aol.com KD7EFQ at aol.com
Thu Nov 20 07:09:54 EST 2003

Hello, I just subscribed to the list. I am new to high power, and have a 
Titan 425 gold #49, (supposedly 2nd to last Titan 425 made by TT.)  I am probably 
only at the 2nd grade level as far as completely understanding amplifiers (HI 
HI), but I was listening on 40 meters last night to some "radio rumors", when 
someone asked if there was a cheaper replacement tube for the 3CX800a7. 
Someone came back said "Sure, get some new sockets and get a pair of 4CX800A 's and 
drop them in there. I jumped in and reminded them that they were comparing a 
triode to a tetrode, and you would have to re-engineer the amp with a screen 
supply etc. He said " No you don't, when you install the new sockets, just tie 
the grids and screens together, and it'll work. This sounds completely bogus to 
me, but I'd like your take on this Rick. If I could find a cheaper way to 
re-tube my Titan someday if and when it needs it, I'm all for it. 

73, Todd

"The Rat Race is over...THE RATS WON"

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