[Amps] Pin Diodes questions

R.Measures r at somis.org
Thu Nov 20 04:36:02 EST 2003

>Discussing Pin Diodes in RF amplifiers
>The problem of obtaining in my earlier post was for the Alpha 89 for a 
>friend. I own one and a friend WW4US owns the failed unit. 
>We were researching the problem this weekend before Crosslink opened. 
>Since then Crosslink is shipping the needed KS1001 pin diodes.
>Please do not address some of the below suggestions about how it may be 
>absurd. Be constructive. 
>The suggestions have been listed as hams this weekend offered them up.
>New questions:
>*  What can one do to protect RF Amps using pin Diodes?

**  To protect PIN diodes from lightning, when finished operating, unplug 
the feedline from the amplifier and toss it out the window on the ground. 
 The feedline should not come within 10-ft of the house.,  [note - 
"C"-type connectors are ideal for this because they are bayonet mount]  
>         Suggestions and Solutions to date from on the air hams: 
>           I. Addressing static discharge  
>                    A .   Install High value resistor across amp output i.e. 

**  A 10M bleeder R on the antenna itself worked for me.

>                    B.    Provide a antenna with DC ground path. i.e. loop 
antennas, dipole
>               with coaxial stub., and high impedance choke to antenna.

**  lightning is not just DC.

>                    C.    Alpha has a gas discharge arrestor right at the 
>output connector. Is this adequate and 
>               what level of static discharge protection does this provide?
>                    D.    Short coax to gnd after reconnecting to amp 
>after being disconnected.
>           2. High SWR       

**  keep plenty of spare PIN diodes on hand.  
 .Good luck, Victor.  

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