Fw: [Amps] Capacitor Recommendation Needed

skipp isaham nospam4me at juno.com
Sun Oct 5 22:18:10 EDT 2003

Hi Dennis, 

Fixed vacuum caps seem to be extra cheap on Ebay, of 
coarse you'd have to test them for value and probably 
a high pot. 

I will say that I've used a variety of surplus caps for 
a few applications, but their makeup is/was unknown 
to me. 

I have some surplus door knob caps I removed from 
a serious laser rebuild that I'm pretty sure would 
handle the job, but again the mfgr is unmarked. 
Many of the lasers I work with have substantial 
numbers of high current caps, sort of a gold mine 
for amp builders working "in the industry". 

The value might be a non standard 882pf type of 
thing, but I might be able to provide some closer 

Email me direct if you're seriously interested in 
trying one out. I have enough of these caps now 
that I can spread some out for a serious cause. 

nospam4me at juno.com 

--------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dennis Ashworth <K7FL at ARRL.NET>
To: amps at contesting.com
Date: Sat, 04 Oct 2003 16:27:16 -0700
I need to insert a 1000pf of capacitance in series with my 80M vertical
move the resonant frequency up to the phone band. I have been using a 
vacuum variable, but would like to use it in another project - and change

to a fixed capacitor. The logical choice would be a fixed 1000 pf vacuum 
capacitor. Failing to locate a fixed vacuum cap, what low loss dielectric

materials should I be considering given the frequency, voltage and
involved. The driving impedance is 40 ohms and I run the legal limit. 
Therefore, currents will be in the 6-8A range ... voltages probably less 
than 500 V.

Thoughts on dielectric materials and sources would be most appreciated. 
Although this is not AMP related, I suspect you folks know the answer(s).

Dennis, K7FL

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