[Amps] HV clearance? and feed thru Capacitors

rlm r at somis.org
Tue Apr 6 05:52:15 EDT 2004

=F0  An effective HF/VHF bypass for HV can be made by paralleling =
unequal-value 10kV disc ceramic capacitors - using short leads, of=20
course.  For example, 200pF is a fairly good bypass c. 100MHz. 1000pF=20
is good c. 30MHz, and 5000pF is good c. 3MHz.
- note -  To check a disc ceramic cap for resonance, solder it to a Cu=20=

strap and measure the self-resonance with a dip-meter.  Why is this=20
important? --  above it's self-resonance, a capacitive reactance=20
becomes an inductive reactance -- i. e., inductive reactances do not=20
make very good bypasses.  cheerz. Neil

On Apr 5, 2004, at 8:15 AM, Neil Carr G0JHC wrote:

> There is a common 680pf "6kv" HV feed thru Capacitor on the market,=20
> that
> many seem to use, manufactured by Sprague,  seen here
> http://www.rfparts.com/caps2.html#high
> I was just about to put one of these in my latest project to get 5kv=20=

> through
> the RF chassis wall, but became nervous at the clearance, which is 4mm=20=

> from
> HV pin to locking nut.
> Pleas give me your opinion on this item. I have designed a min of=20
> 25-30mm
> (2"+) elsewhere.
> Does anyone run this device at 5kv or above and  had problems?
> Thanks for your time.
> Neil G0JHC
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