[Amps] 3-1000z output?

Kenneth D. Grimm, K4XL kgrimm at adelphia.net
Fri Apr 23 07:51:22 EDT 2004

Dennis Watkins opined:

> No..
> Allen (Marty) Martin wrote:
> >There is a guy claiming 3 kw output out of a homebrew amp running a
> >3-1000z on qrz.com. Is this believable?
> >
> >Marty

To all the nay sayers, "Be careful here..."  Zach Reynolds, W4TXL,
(R.I.P.), used to entertain visitors to his incredible shack with an amp
called his "Money Machine."  Zach would ask you if you could get a KW
out of an 811A.  You would laugh and say, "No."  He would then ask if
you would care to bet on it.  You would say, "Sure, why not.  No way you
can get a KW out of an 811."  Zach would then proceed to insert a brand
new 811A into his money machine, complete with a Bird Peak Reading meter
to act as referee.  He would then hit the Key and point to the Bird.  If
you weren't blinded by the 811A "light bulb," there it was...over 1 KW
on the scale.  After having won the bet, he referred to his "Money
Machine" as his "811A Destroyer."  The tube life was measured in
milliseconds, but it put out over a KW, and you had lost the bet!

A 3-1000Z with ca. 4500v and a pair of 811As as drivers will emit a good
deal of light and a surprising amount of RF...for a limited time, of
course.  But enough to win the bet.  I just wish I had as many 3-1000Zs
as Zach had 881As (cases and cases stacked in a closet, just waiting for
a gullible engineer who said "No way!").  In this case the life
expectancy is considerably more than milliseconds but less than years.
By the way, the ca. 800ma limit that Rich mentioned isn't the limit in
this case.

But who needs to destroy 3-1000s when you can get the same suds with
Rich's favorite tube...or some of the cheaper Russian tank tubes for
that matter?


Ken K4XL
k4xl at arrl.net
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