[Amps] AL-811H problem

Rick Stoneking w2rds at arrl.net
Mon Aug 2 13:54:56 EDT 2004

I have a problem with my Ameritron AL-811H that I am hoping someone can 
give me some help with.

Back in March I pulled my TS-950 out of my station to take it to a multi 
two operation for ARRL DX Phone.  When I brought it back I put the station 
back together before I had had enough sleep apparently and I connected the 
output of the 950 to the output of the 811H (and connected the antenna to 
the input of the 811H).  Everything worked just fine with the amp in 
standby - but when I turned the amp on and keyed the 950 I could 
immediately see that there was a problem!!  Unfortunately I tried keying 
the rig two more times before it dawned on me to check if I hooked the amp 
back up correctly....  After getting the connections right I tried it out 
and the SWR seen by the 950 into the 811H was not good.  I can switch bands 
and the SWR looks good (I have not done a systematic trouble shooting of 
this yet).  I did not have time to dig into it at the time, and I have not 
used the amp until last night.  I again have poor SWR on 20M, but SWR is 
perfect on 40M (this is what the 950 sees going into the 811H), and I 
believe that 10M is good from the last time I was trying to figure this 
out.  I printed out the schematic and took a quick look, but it is not 
drawn in a format that makes it easy to quickly see what the circuitry is 
looking into the RF out port.

So my questions are:  Does anyone have a recommendation on the best way to 
check out the amp (other than the obvious of put power in on each band, and 
look at SWR and Pout).  What is the mostly likely component(s) that I damaged?

Thanks to all who respond.

73 de W2RDS,

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