[Amps] 4-250A and interesting socket information.

jsb at digistar.com jsb at digistar.com
Wed Aug 25 11:32:30 EDT 2004

On Wed, 25 Aug 2004, Bill Fuqua wrote:

>        The specifications for the 4-250A are the same as the 4-400A
> except for the plate dissipation. The 4-400A has fins added to the
> anode. I prefer the 4-250A tubes when I have an amplifier with a window.
> In SSB or CW a pair glows much better at full output power.

How were these tubes cared for in the days when they were in typical usage
during wartime, etc.?  Seems like a tube that got that hot wouldn't last
long under battle conditions.

73 Jason N1SU

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