[Amps] Centurion cooling ideas for AM service

Rob Atkinson, K5UJ k5uj at hotmail.com
Thu Aug 26 11:37:59 EDT 2004

Thanks Rich for this information; it makes the fan on top blowing down on 
the Centurion anode heat sinks more important since they are the flat type 
spreading out horizontally.   I guess these are supposed to be used for air 
blowing up from the bottom but Ten Tec used them because they fit inside the 
cabinet.   The types used by QRO would stick too high up.  Also, the stock 
fan is, according to your measurement, too small at 119 mm on a side.  The 
cabinet is too low height to fit a 150 mm fan so the additional fans I have 
planned seem to be important.

Can anyone suggest a vendor for Comair-Rotron fans?

re Transformer ratings, the Dahl h.v. unit in mine is speced by Dahl at 2225 
v. 500 ma CCS (AC I imagine).




<<<RE:  the photo:  Horizontal fins with horizontal cooling makes good
sense, however, to adequately cool a 3-500Z with one fan, the fan must
be larger than at least 150mm -- which the fan in the photo obviously
is not.  (the Heath SB-220 uses a 150mm fan).  The nearest size
DC-brushless fan that is adequate for cooling 3-500Zs is 172mm.  Papst
makes one which sells for c. $50.  2-tubes cost $298.  However, if a
split chassis is not utilized, the fan shown in the photo can be used
to cool things above the chassis, and a 50mm fan can be used below the
chassis to cool the filament pins, provided that pin #s 1 and 5 face
each other on the adjacent tube sockets.  .>>>

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