[Amps] Centurion cooling improvement ideas for AM service

Radio WC6W wc6w at juno.com
Thu Aug 26 13:03:02 EDT 2004

On Thu, 26 Aug 2004 08:26:34 -0700 R.Measures <r at somis.org> writes:

Hi Rich,


> > IR doesn't radiate "through" standard glass.
>   IR from sunlight undoubtedly gets through double-pane metal-film 
> coated thermal windows.  Through standard glass, even more IR gets 
> through.

  The flavor of IR we're discussing is that measured by the optical

  Those typically have a Germanium window on the sensor which cuts off on
the shortwave end around 2 microns.  Glass cuts off in the same region
(2-4 microns) on the long end.   So, the IR thermometers can not "see"
through glass.

73 & Good morning,
   Marv WC6W


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