[Amps] Solid State Amps

Georgens, Tom tom.georgens at engenio.com
Mon Dec 6 17:58:51 EST 2004

Hello -

I am interested in constructing a KW+ solid state amp and am interested in
sources of information and readers opinions in the following areas

1. Is it really feasible/reliable?
2. The CCI modules/Motorola App notes
3. Source of 50V PS, either used or schematics
4. Use of splitter/combiners
5. IMD (assuming LP filters)
6. Load mismatch handling
7. Pitfalls I am not likely to avoid until it is too late.

I think I can handle the monitoring, filtering, relays sequencing and

Please reply offline to save reflector bandwidth

Thanks and 73,

Tom W2SC

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