r at somis.org
Mon Jan 19 23:38:02 EST 2004
>One of the newer Alpha amplifiers has an interesting circuit. The rf choke
>bypasses a tap to increase the range without resonances. I expect that a
>few amateurs have also incorporated this feature, using a switch position or
>relay to add the bypass cap on certain band positions.
>Noted, however, was a resistor from the open side of the capacitor to
>ground. It was rather curious at first until I realized that it was to
>bleed the high voltage stored in this capacitor if it happens to be
>disconnected while charged up. Hopefully, all homebuilders who use the
>swtiched rf choke bypassing scheme remember to add this feature.
>This is an example of why it is a good idea to short out everything in the
>high voltage section - even if the high voltage is disconnected and the
>power turned off.
** However, it seems unlikely that enough Joules are stored to do any
serious damage to a human -- even with the typical remaining charge on a
25uF or so filter C.
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