[Amps] Wiring in a replacement band switch on a SB-220

Bart Ritchie (VE5CPU) ve5cpu at imagewireless.ca
Fri Jan 23 11:37:08 EST 2004

Good day everyone

I ordered a replacement band switch from Harbach Electrons for my SB-220. I 
now have the time to do the repair on my SB220 and when I removed the old 
part I found it to be very different than the replacement part that I received.

The existing part is quite a bit smaller, with a diameter of 1 3/8 inches 
versus the 1 3/4 inch diameter of the replacement part.  As well, the 
original part has 12 contacts on the wafer, with 10 of them being 
used.  The replacement wafer has 8 contacts.

The wiring diagrams on pages 16 & 17 of the manual clearly shows 10 
connections being made to unique contact points on the wafer from the two 
positions on the 5 coils.

In looking at the old wafer and the wiring diagram, I cannot ascertain a 
possible alternative wiring method.

Have any of you had any experience wiring in the Harbach replacement 
part?  Can you provide any assistance in what the alternative wiring 
diagram / instructions would be?

Thanks in advance for any comments and suggestions.

73, Bart - VE5CPU

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