[Amps] RF Chokes and Inductor Papers

John T. M. Lyles jtml at lanl.gov
Fri Jun 4 14:07:01 EDT 2004

There has been a lot of published work on Solenoidal RF Chokes and 
related technology in the early radio era, in Proceedings of the IRE 
and other journals. Harold Wheeler was one of the pioneers. Here is a 
collection of references on the subject, which I have found useful 
over the years. This does not include my collection on ferrite 
materials and associated transformers and inductors. Also, does not 
include the classic textbooks, such as Terman's "Radio Engineering", 
Langford-Smith's "Radiotron Designers Handbook", ARRL Handbooks, and 
Radio Handbook, by Jones, Orr, etc. If you can find a good library, 
there is plenty of published work on this subject, addressing all the 
problems and details that we all have experienced or heard about.


"The Design of HF Chokes", V. Cooper, Marconi review Vol 8, #3, July 1945

"Resonant RF Chokes", Design Data (14), Wireless World, July, 1947, p. 246.

"HF Chokes, Construction and Performance - Part 1", M. Scroggie, 
Wireless World, Vol. 36, #20, May 17, 1935, p. 486-488.

"HF Chokes, Construction and Performance - Part 2", Scroggie, WW, 
Vol. 36, #21, May 24, 1935, p. 529-530.

"Progress in Broadband Choke Design", E. Harper, GTE Sylvania paper, 
source unknown, p 59-66.

"Multiband RF Choke Design", H. Miller, Electronics, August, 1935, p.254-255.

"A Study of RF Choke Coils", Reuben Lee (Westinghouse), Electronics, 
April, 1934, p. 120-121, 129.

"RF Chokes for High-Power Parallel Feed", C. Chambers, W1JEQ, QST, 
May, 1954, p.30-33

"Simple Inductance Formulas for Radio Coils", H. Wheeler (Hazeltine 
Corp), Proc. IRE, Vol. 16, #10, October, 1928, p. 1398-1400. 
(source of the classic empirical formula)

"The Design of Radio-Frequency Choke Coils", H. Wheeler, Proc. IRE, 
Vol. 24, #6, June, 1936, p. 850-858.

"Inductance Chart for Solenoid Coil", H. Wheeler, Proc. IRE, 
December, 1950, p.1398-1400.

"Some Possibilities for Low Loss Coils", F. Terman, Proc. IRE, Vol. 
23, #9, September, 1935, p. 1069-1075.

"Resistance and Capacity of Coils and Radio Frequencies", J. 
Morecroft, Proc. IRE, around Feb, 1922, p.267-287.

"A Novel Formula for Determining the Skin Effect Resistance of Copper 
Wire at High Frequencies", T. Story, Tesla Coil Builders Association 
News, Vol. 9, #2, 1990, p.13.

"Accurate Single-Layer-Solenoid Inductance Calculations", P. Pagel, 
N1FB, Technical Correspondence, QST, April, 1992, p.76-77.

"Inductance and Capacitance Magnification", J. Schanker, W2STM, QEX, 
October, 1986, p.8-9.

"Optimum Wire Size for RF Coils", C. Michaels, W7XC, QEX, August, 1987, p.6-7.

"RFC Design", P. Pagel, N1FB, Technical Correspondence, QST, June, 
1988, p.50-51.

"Under Construction, Part 16: Understanding and Constructing RF 
Chokes", D. DeMaw, QST, February, 1987, p.16-19, 22.

"The Q-Factor in Single-Layer Coils", Wireless Engineer, Vol. XXVI, 
#309, June, 1949, p.179-181.

"The Design of Inductances for Frequencies Between 4 and 25 
Megacycles", D. Pollack (RCA), Electrical Engineering, September, 
1937, p.1169-1176. Also reprinted in RCA Review 2, 1938, p.184-201.

"Distributed Capacity of Single-Layer Coils", A. Palermo, Proc. IRE, 
Vol. 22, July, 1934, p.897.

"The Effect of Displacement Currents on the High Frequency Resistance 
of Circular Single-Layer Coils", A. Palermo, Proc. IRE, Vol.20, 
November, 1932, p.1807.

"Design of Inductances for High Frequency Circuits", C. Fortescue, J. 
IEE, Vol.61, 1923, p.933.

"Design and Efficiencies of Large Air Core Inductances", W. Brown 
(GE), Proc. IRE?, around April, 1925, p.755-766.   (REALLY BIG COILS 

"Inductors: Their Self Resonance and Distributed Capacitance", G. 
Tawney, Powerconversion International, no date, p.14-22.

>Date: Fri, 04 Jun 2004 00:22:23 -0400
>From: Will Matney <craxd1 at ezwv.com>
>Subject: [Amps] Power supply filters

>Ok, Most know I'm working on the transformer website. A few have asked
>about chokes and filters by e-mail. How many would like to see something
>added about the filter networks and choke design? If there is enough who
>would like to see this, I will research it and publish it on the
>website. I will try to put everything in layman terms like I did on the
>transformer design page. Also, I could add a section for RF choke design
>if there is an interest there. Let me know if you would like this added.

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