[Amps] rebuilding glass tubes

Bill Turner wrt at dslextreme.com
Sat Jun 5 08:27:35 EDT 2004

On Fri, 04 Jun 2004 07:39:45 -0700, Vic Rosenthal wrote:

>Can the 3CX800A7 be rebuilt?  I am happy with my Alpha 86, but the 
>thought of eventually needing to replace the tubes at current prices is 


I have a pair of those in my Commander HF-2500 which have been used for
tens of thousands of RTTY contest QSOs, arguably the hardest of all
operating modes.  As far as I can tell their performance is identical to
the day I got the amp.

Don't abuse them and they will probably last longer than you.  :-) 

Bill, W6WRT
QSLs via LoTW

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