[Amps] rebuilding glass tubes

Ian White, G3SEK G3SEK at ifwtech.co.uk
Sat Jun 5 03:34:20 EDT 2004

R. Measures wrote:
>On Jun 4, 2004, at 7:39 AM, Vic Rosenthal wrote:
>> R.Measures wrote:
>>> ?  Econco reportedly tried rebuilding 4-1000As but it proved to 
>>>economically unfeasible.  The advantage of ceramic-metal tubes is 
>>>that they are literally silver-soldered together, so they may - if 
>>>required - be disassembled, repaired, and re-soldered.  However, most 
>>>worn out ceramic-metal tubes only need to be re-carburized with 
>>>acetylene gas and re-pumped to restore full function for c. another 
>>>20k hours of operation.
>> Can the 3CX800A7 be rebuilt?  I am happy with my Alpha 86, but the 
>>thought of eventually needing to replace the tubes at current prices 
>>is scary.
>ð  Vic  -- The type of power-grid tubes that are normally rebuilt are 
>those with thoriated tungsten filaments and ceramic-metal construction. 
>However, rumour has it that someone is rebuilding 8877s.    --  cheerz

http://www.econco.com/types.htm is a long list of the transmitting tubes 
that Econco rebuilds. Mostly they are large, high-value tubes, and the 
only smaller ones seem to have some special rarity value.

The 8877 and the 3CX800A are not in the list, presumably because they 
are neither expensive - at least, not expensive by commercial standards 
- nor rare.

73 from Ian G3SEK

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