[Amps] DTR2000L parts & advice?

Gudguyham at aol.com Gudguyham at aol.com
Mon Mar 29 21:54:57 EST 2004

In a message dated 3/29/04 09:38:54 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
ab2e at hotmail.com writes:

> Hello Everyone,
> I am new to the list. This is Darrell AB2E in NJ. I recently purchased a 
> Dentron DTR2000L. It was working great and the tube is full output. During 
> the WPX contest this weekend, it began to overheat, and I believe the plugin 
> relay K2 has opened (it looks like the small wire running through the 
> material inside has opened and the ceramic-looking material appears burned 
> where the wire runs through it). The green ready light went out, output 
> dropped to zero, and suddenly I had near infinite SWR showing on the 
> transceiver.
> Has anyone had this problem? I cannot determine the maker of the relay from 
> looking at it. The labeling has faded, and it just says in the parts list 
> 12V relay.
> I found a page at Surplus Sales where they list a 12V, 60S delay, normally 
> closed relay which looks somewhat similar to the one I pulled. 
> http://www.surplussales.com/Relays/RETimeD-5.html
> Has anyone tried one of these or have any suggestions?
> THanks in advance and 73,
> Darrell AB2E

Hi Darrell,  I have owned 2 of those amps.  You can't own that amp and not be 
an amp Guru.  The amp is lacking BIG TIME in a lot of areas.  First off, the 
cooling system is a joke and that is why it overheated on you.  Lets put it 
this way, I can tell you in less words what is RIGHT with the amp than what is 
wrong with the amp.  What is right about it is that it is a nice shade of black 
and that's it!  I severely modified the first one I had and then it worked 
better, but I practically rebuilt the whole thing.  I used a solid state timer 
in place of the tube timer.  I added a bigger blower. And the list goes on and 
on and on.  Not to mention it lacks a tuned input circuit. That's OK if you 
are running an old boatanchor "tune it up" exciter, but a new exciter...I don't 
think so.  I had to use a small tuner in front of it to get it to match.  I 
have all the mods that makes it a better amp.  Its basically a total rebuild.  
Good Luck.  73 Louie

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