[Amps] 12-holer

Philip de Cadenet phil at transmittersrus.com
Wed May 26 04:55:26 EDT 2004


No dead carriers at the shoot-outs. They do modulate at the keydowns. 
Well at least they try!

I think you're somewhat over optimistic on the prize money, though what 
with inflation I could be wrong.

I flew over from here in London, UK to drop in at the Tyler, Texas 
ho-down a few years back just to get an eyeful of what goes on at these 

I think the prize for the 'Skies the limit' section was in the region of 
$2000 which is equivalent to the cost of replacing 1.5 of the winners 8 
Electrodyne 350A alternators.

Not exactly what I'd call profitable.

It's all down to kudos Phil.

I have to say they were all a friendly bunch of people, including the 
preacher and the local police sheriff who led the cruise and cleared the 
traffic down to the local park.

Surely it's better than going out and shooting drugs or killing people?

I received the trophy for longest distance travelled of course:-))
Philip de Cadenet G4ZOW
Transmitters 'R' Us

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