[Amps] Frying tubes... some questions

bearlabs at netzero.net bearlabs at netzero.net
Tue May 25 20:54:11 EDT 2004

Some questions that I don't really know the answers to, although I suppose I should...

Q1: 4-400 No fil voltage applied, B+ applied, screen grounded, grid
open, floating. Tube fries??

Q2: ...same scenario, but grid grounded, tube ok?

Q2.5 ...either case *with* fil voltage??

Q3: Manual states: "...Should there be excessive grid current and no
plate current, suspect a discontinuity in the HV circuit. Probably
no HV is being applied..." How is this possible?? (are they assuming
drive is being supplied by the exciter?)

Q5: Grounded grid w/3-500 or 4-400 is the 5 ohm 1 watt||.001 caps a
good idea? Best method?

   _-_-bear wb2gcr

Direct emails to: bear at bearlabs.com (not this account, small mbox)

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