[Amps] SB-220

Steve Thompson g8gsq at ic24.net
Wed Nov 3 13:45:59 EST 2004

On Wednesday 03 November 2004 18:23, Will Matney wrote:
> To all,
> A quick question here, and may open up a big can of worms, if there is
> no such things as parasitics in amplifiers, why do they all come with
> parasitic suppressors on the anode leads? 
There certainly are parasitics (unwanted vhf oscillation) - especially with 
tubes with long grid leads - but not every amplifier will have the 
gain/feedback/load to allow oscillation if suppressors aren't fitted.

It's likely that few amplifier builders have the equipment to properly assess 
whether their amplifier needs a supressor, and/or whether the suppressor they 
fit actually does the job of reducing the gain by the right amount at the 
right frequency.


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