[Amps] HV/Tune-up Procedure for AL-80A

Scott Manthe n9aa at arrl.net
Fri Nov 12 01:10:46 EST 2004

Hi the the List,
I just got a very nice Ameritron AL-80A, which seems to be in very nice 
shape- certainly excellent cosmetically. Unfortunately, the fellow I bought 
it from neglected to pack the manual with it and I'm expecting it in the 
mail in a day or two. In the meantime, I'm wondering if anyone can let me 
know what I should see for high voltage (I'm seeing about 3000-3100 volts, 
on a 115 volt line) and what the tune up procedure is for this amp. I've had 
it on for a few hours idling, just in case the tube- an Eimac- might be a 
bit gassy from lack of use, but haven't put any RF into it, but I'd like to 
get on line ASAP. Is 3000-3100 volts reasonable for this amp at 115v line 
voltage? Any assistance any of you can offer will be most appreciated!

Thanks and 73,
Scott, N9AA 

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