[Amps] Advice on instruments for ham use

k7fm k7fm at teleport.com
Thu Nov 25 10:15:17 EST 2004

Even the old tubed Tek 530-540 series are quite useful, although  big and
bulky.  They are now available for the labor of carrying them away.  They
are easy to work on, although frequency limited.  Although I have many newer
scopes, I still love to turn on the old classics.  Heck, when my friends
tell me it is either me or the dump, I jump on these suckers.

Regarding digital scopes.  I have one.  I live near Tek and have a number of
friends who work there.  They all use analog scopes and ask why I got a
digital scope.

The scope I have above my work bench is an old Tek 454A.  It may be the last
of the user (somewhat easily) repairable scopes.

Next to my scope is a Tek 2710 spectrum analyzer.  That is a joy to use.  If
you have a lot of spare change around, buy yourself a nice spectrum analyzer
for Christmas.  Things like complicated bandpass filters take seconds to
tune up.  Just twiddle the adjustments on the filter to make the picture
look like the book and you are set (really that easy).  Check harmonics,
imd, spectral purity, bandwidth, etc.  But remember that all spectrum
analyzers are not equal.  You get what you pay for in terms of resolution.
And do not expect the old Tek 491 to be satisfactory.  Research before
buying and learn about things like tracking generators.

Now go blow that wad of dough you have been hiding under the amp.  You have
enough heavy iron - now make it sound good.

Colin  K7FM

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