[Amps] Kenwood TL-922A on 6 meters?

Bill Turner dezrat1242 at ispwest.com
Wed Oct 6 13:50:37 EDT 2004

On Wed, 6 Oct 2004 10:36:31 -0700, Clay  W7CE wrote:

>Interesting idea Bill.  Is your SB-1000 converted for 6M only now or did you
>retain 160-15M?  If the latter, did you have to short out the new coil or
>move any of the coil taps for 160-15M operation?
>Clay  W7CE


It's for six meters only.  I removed all the coils and bandswitch.

As for shorting out the L-network coil, the ARRL handbook states this
is generally not necessary because its effect becomes smaller as the
frequency is lowered.  I haven't verified this myself, but it sounds

Bill W6WRT

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