[Amps] Toms Tubes back up and running

Thomas Hix w4th at hotmail.com
Thu Oct 14 07:23:19 EDT 2004

I am glad to say that my web site www.tomstubes.com is back up and running 
now faster than ever.
I appreciate those of you who contacted me about what had happened to my 
site....I was moving it to a new server which is much faster than my old 
one.....so now my site is loading 3 times faster than ever before.
I did notice someone was looking for the gu84b sockets.....I have them in 
stock and ready to ship.
Thanks again.
Tom Hix....w4th.....Tom's Tubes

Tom's Tubes: Amateur Radio Amp Tubes & Sockets, PEP Boards & VFO 
Stabilizers, CW Keys, K4POZ Screwdriver Antennas & G3SEK Triode/Tetrode 
Boards & Kits. http://www.tomstubes.com

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