[Amps] RE: 5 kw amps -- why?

Joe Isabella n3ji at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 19 21:21:58 EDT 2004

So which amp do you have again??  I had a TL-922 and ditched it for a Henry 3K-A -- it's amazing
what 4 kV @ 1A will do on a pair of 3-500ZGs.  It runs a conservative 1500W PEP in pretty much any
mode, dang near "brick on the key" duty cycle.  I had it running an even 2kW output (into a load,
of course) with just a pinch over 100W drive...

Joe, N3JI

--- "Rob Atkinson, K5UJ" <k5uj at hotmail.com> wrote:

> Don't get me wrong--I'm not advocating a world-wide ban on these 
> amps--remember, I was commenting on an American ham.  If I lived in a part 
> of the world where the limit was let's say, 3 Kw, and I was away from nearby 
> neighbors, I'd consider equipping myself with the option of going that high. 
>   In the U.S. I'll even buy an argument for a 2 kw plate dissipation, but 
> FIVE Kw?  I don't think so.  Thanks for all the (mostly) amusing stories.  
> As I commented to one guy, with my pair of 3-500s and low voltage supply, 
> I'm starting to feel like the driver of a Trabant who can't exceed the speed 
> limit whether he wants to or not.
> 73,
> Rob/K5UJ
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