[Amps] 5 kw amps -- why?

hermans on4kj at skynet.be
Wed Oct 20 10:51:36 EDT 2004

-----Message d'origine-----
De : amps-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:amps-bounces at contesting.com] De
la part de R.Measures
Envoyé : mercredi 20 octobre 2004 16:34
À : Barry Kirkwood
Cc : Rob Atkinson, K5UJ; amps at contesting.com
Objet : Re: [Amps] 5 kw amps -- why?

On Oct 19, 2004, at 11:44 AM, Barry Kirkwood wrote:

> Well, I manged to fry a "1500W "  commercially made ferrite balun with

> significantly less than 1500kW out, let alone 3kW plus.

The ferrite used in commercial HF baluns typically has a mfg.'s max 
freq rating of 500KHz to 1MHz.  However, since balun mfg.'s usually 
test their products at <5w, they have no idea that there could be a 
problem.    My disillusionment with ferrite baluns began when I 
discovered that my 7MHz signal had harmonics above 500MHz that were 
strong enough to wipe out UHF line-of sight TV stations.

> Since then have lived in peace with my homebrew coax solenoid baluns.

Amen, Barry.  Beautiful baluns are like unto beautiful women.
Bad tongue ON


Bad tongue OFF

Jos on4kj
Richard L. Measures, AG6K, 805.386.3734.  www.somis.org

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